Discover a wealth of resources tailored to support and empower moms in various aspects of their lives. ChannelMom's recommended resources cover everything from mentoring and parenting help to marriage support and connections for women in business. Explore these invaluable resources below to navigate the journey of motherhood with confidence and resilience.

MORE Mentoring

Mobilizing mentors to invest in moms by encouraging them to live fully in Jesus through authentic relationships and intentional prayer. Although our focus is moms, we offer a variety of resources to empower and equip anyone in mentoring relationships. Along with a growing online community, we offer: printed books and materials, online digital resources and ministry tools, informative and encouraging blog, online and in-person coaching for mentors, online and in-person consulting for churches and ministry leaders, retreats and events. Check us out! 

Parenting Help: ENGAGE Parenting

ENGAGE partners with ChannelMom’s Outreach Forever Moms Prison Ministry to offer a healing parenting curriculum to incarcerated moms, to help put an end to the legacy of incarceration passed on from parents to children.  ENGAGE offers discussion-based parenting groups for men and women in areas affected by poverty or adversity. Our vision is to encourage and inspire parents across the nation to engage with their children in a loving way, and to equip their children to discover their God-given gifts and talents.  Visit ENGAGE and to find out more!


MomCo is an organization cultivating communities of moms because we believe moms are world influencers.  We believe that incubating hearts and giving just-because hugs can change the course of history.  That’s why we connect moms all over the world to a community of women, in their own neighborhoods, who meet together to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of motherhood.  MOPS groups are rallying women to be more honest, to feel more equipped and to find our identity by journeying alongside one another. MOPS groups meet regularly to celebrate the joys of motherhood and to encourage each other through the challenges. Find a MOPS Group.

Marriage Help For Moms: Love & Respect

What is Love and Respect?  We asked 7,000 people this question: when you are in a conflict with your spouse or significant other, do you feel unloved or disrespected?  83% of the men said “disrespected.”  72% of the women said, “unloved.”  Though we all need love and respect equally, the felt need differs during conflict, and this difference is as different as pink is from blue!  Love & Respect is here to help you work out differences in your marriage.  Visit Love & Respect to learn MORE from relationship expert Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, life-changing conferences & materials to rescue your marriage.

Support for Women In Business

Christian Women Business Organization (CWBO) is a proactive group of Christian women business owners, professionals and ministry founders who support each other.  We desire to see each woman be successful in her profession, business or ministry.  Network and build your business with other professional Christian women, by going to Find A Group Near You.  Or, start a new group and be a foundational member in your area at Become A Facilitator.  Finally, you can enjoy Membership Benefits while building lasting relationships with professionals who share your same values.  Find out more ways to help your business or business life thrive at

Mentors for Moms: The M.O.M. Initiative

The M.O.M. Initiative’s premier book, The Making of a Mom, was released in July, 2014 and serves as a unique, all-in-one in-reach and out-reach mentoring resource for the church while also ministering biblical motherhood to the heart of a mom.  The Making of a Mom is a dual purpose book uniquely written for moms. Author Stephanie Shott says, “My mom journey was like a messy experiment and my kids were the guinea pigs. I wrote The Making of a Mom so your mom journey wouldn’t have to be.” Visit

The Minimal Mom

For the Minimal Mom, family minimalism allows them to enjoy this one life they've been given. They help you PURGE unwanted items quickly, so that you, too, can get out from under piles of stuff and enjoy life! WHO THEY ARE: They're Tom and Dawn and they live with their four kids (ages 8-13) just outside of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. They took on a minimalist lifestyle about 8 years ago and haven't looked back! They don't miss any of the stuff...none of it! Visit

Rest with your kids. This may sound trivial, but teaching your children to rest can remove you and them from "the religion of busyness." Give your kids a break from busyness and noise to "be still" and remember what matters. 

EXAMPLE: When tempers are flaring because schedules are too demanding, ask your kids to come lie down on the carpet with you, close their eyes, breathe, and listen for peace. This carpet rest can be as brief as 5 minutes.

Exhibit forgiveness. If we allow our kids to see our frustration when someone treats us poorly, then we must commit to also allowing our children to see us follow through with forgiveness. 

EXAMPLE: You get in the car and vent to your daughter about how somebody spoke to you at the parent meeting. Follow this up by admitting that you may have spoken to a certain person in a hurtful way recently, and, just as you hope to receive that person's forgiveness, you must forgive too. Hopefully, your child will learn the "forgiveness habit," by your example.

Choose laughter. 

EXAMPLE: When you feel yourself getting riled up by growing piles of dishes, dirty socks and dirty sinks... announce, out loud, that you will now be making humorous comments about your messy house. Your kids are sure to join in (because most children would rather laugh than clean).

Teach children to help those who can't help them back. Give to those who have nothing to give back. 

EXAMPLE: Every Christmas, ask each of your kids to think of one child at school or in their homeschool group a child who is outside of their friend circle, who may not be well-liked or well-behaved or well-dressed. Ask your children to use their own money to buy that student a Christmas gift and then give that gift to them, either anonymously or in person. The results are amazing!

Be big on blessings. Make each night an opportunity to bring your children back to your love AND God's love for them. Just before bedtime, tell your kids it's time for their blessing. Go to each child, individually, to give them their personal blessing. 

EXAMPLE: At your child's bedside (you can hold their hands, hug them, or simply kneel beside the bed), say a prayer of blessing before them and God. Mention one positive thing about your child every time. Mention one future hope for your child. You can also quote favorite scriptures and use them as a prayer over your children's lives each night. No matter how the day has gone, this will help restore faith, hope & love for your child before they goes to sleep.

Love. Here are three ways you can commit to choosing to "love" your children instead of succumbing to any other action or reaction:

A. Commit to choosing to love instead of preserving your pride.

B. Commit to choosing to love instead of staying angry.

C. Commit to choosing to love instead of having your own way today.

Don't feel guilty. Don't allow this list to make you feel guilty about your mothering!

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